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Eduardo Jauregui

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Eduardo Jauregui

Director of ModoSer, co-founder of Humor Positivo, author of 17 books published in 20 languages.

Eduardo Jáuregui is a world-renowned specialist in the field of positive psychology, with a doctoral thesis and several books published on topics such as mindfulness, humour, and pizza. He has taught at several universities in Spain and currently directs a mindfulness school (ModoSer) and the training consultancy Humor Positivo.


Eduardo has a charming, humorous presentation style that has delighted audiences in Europe, the Americas and beyond. His specialty is engaging audiences in transformative games and activities which allow participants to discover their inner potential, creativity and ability to get the most out of life. This interactive approach turns each of his speaking engagements into a shared and unforgettable experience that often leaves a lasting mark on those who have taken part. He is best known for his talks on the power of fun, play and humour, which far from trivial aspects of human life are keys to unlocking our creative and social abilities, and which can also benefit our health. In the past few years he is bringing his playful approach to the topic of mindfulness and meditation, a hot topic in medicine and neuroscience but which many people find difficult or off-putting in practice.


Speech titles

I’m a really lousy meditator
In this hilarious, eye-opening and practical introduction for “ordinary human beings”, Eduardo explains how and why meditation has burst out of eastern ashrams and monasteries to become a healthy stress-reduction technique recommended by doctors. During the talk, which includes activities such as “the easiest yoga exercise this side of the Himalayas”, Eduardo draws from his own life story and confesses to being a really lousy meditator, becoming distracted continuously during his mindfulness sessions. But he explains that it doesn’t matter, revealing the ancient secret that yoguis have been hiding from you for millenia: that everyone is a lousy meditator!

How to defeat Darth Stress, develop Jedi Powers and Destroy the Death Star
This is a talk on the benefits of meditation for life and work, but with a twist. Eduardo dreamt of becoming a Jedi knight after watching Star Wars at age 7, but then discovered to his great dismay that this was impossible, as Jedis did not exist. Years later, however, he has discovered that they DO exist, in the form of advanced meditators, with superpowers such as razor-sharp concentration, a high tolerance to pain and discomfort, unshakeable inner calm and patience, the ability to see the world with a childlike wonder, and compassion even for the next-door neighbour who puts on the music too loudly. And anyone can begin to develop such superpowers, beginning right now.

Serious fun: the benefits of mixing work and play
We tend to consider work, by its very nature, to be a formal, dry and even painful undertaking --the very opposite of fun. However, in the past few decades, a change has been taking place in the business world, with a few pioneering organizations demonstrating with their bottom-line results something that science had already discovered in the lab: that positive emotions --and specifically those brought about by humour and fun-- provide important benefits to the individuals and organizations that know how to use and channel them. A fun work environment can help to alleviate workplace stress, boost creativity and motivation, improve decision-making and communication, make teams more cohesive, and attract and retain the best talent.

Thriving in uncertainty
Human beings hate uncertainty, a major problem these days, as uncertainty seems to be accelerating everywhere we look: business, technology, geopolitics, the environment, science, society. How can we survive in such a rapidly-changing environment? Or even thrive? The key, according both to ancient philosophies and to the latest research in neuroscience, is to cultivate an open, non-judging attitude that brings perspective and transforms every challenge into an opportunity. Fortunately, there are practical exercises that can allow us to train this natural capacity to surf any wave that comes our way.

The keys to authentic happiness
We tend to think of happiness as a question of external circumstances: success or failure, luck or misfortune. However, according to ancient philosophies and the latest studies in psychology, it is possible to be quite satisfied with life independently of its ups and downs. In this talk, Eduardo explains some of the inner strengths that can be cultivated to bring us greater wellbeing and protect us from mental illness, including gratitude, optimism, mindfulness and a positive sense of humour.

The creative spark
Numerous studies have shown that positive emotions boost creativity, just as stress tends to inhibit innovation. The creative process itself, by its very nature, is a playful process. This is why some of the most innovative companies in the world take the idea of “fun at work” so seriously. How can we generate a playful climate that nurtures creativity and collaboration? How can we cultivate the creative spark we all carry within? How can we harness the power of humour and play to become more innovative?

Speaking languages
English, Spanish, Italian




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